Where Am I?

This is an open-source site about good (in my opinion) security practices that I have come to adopt within the past few years. It is truly the information age and in many instances, we are the product, with companies and individuals profitting off of our data. While outrageous, many are complicit in this dynamic, quite literally putting sensitive data directly in the hands of malicious parties. While specifically made for family, I wish everyone to adopt these practices.

Much of your sensitive data is likely floating around on the internet for anyone to get ahold of if you know where to look. Stories of people selectively poaching internet traffic and large scale data breaches are plentiful; one simple mitigating tactic is better security practices.

With modern computing power and sophisticated attack strategies, weak and common passwords can readily be cracked. While the solution is straightforeward, it becomes virtually impossible to remember hundreds of entropically strong and random passwords; instead, a strong password manager such as KeePassXC should be used to generate and protect favorably strong passwords for all your services. Read more about it here.

After going to great lengths to protect your passwords with a password manager, what if you need to share one with friends or family? It has been shown time and time again that modern means of communication such as text and email are not secure and are generally hosted somewhere you do not have access to. However, passwords and other sensitive information are constantly broadcast through these channels; you wouldn’t shout your password across a packed library, why send it through the open internet where anyone can intercept it? A modern solution to this is public key cryptography such as PGP or GPG; encryption schemes such as these make it secure to broadcast sensitive information across these insecure channels. Read more about it here.

This Jekyll site was made using Just the Docs; all source code is available on GitHub.

Copyright © 2023 Hayden Leatherwood | source